
a Little Extra talk with Col Maheshwara Hosamani

“Reacting is ordinary; Communicating effectively is extraordinary” is ‘a Little Extra’ theme for the week.

Join Naveen Lakkur today for a conversation with Col Maheshwara Hosamani. He is an extraordinary person. He has served the Indian Army for 30+ years and retired. He’s retired only to become much busy in a Little Extra indulgence in writing, acting, healing, speaking…

We will surely have many insights to gain and learn from his versatile personality and from many of his little extra talent.

Col Maheshwara Hosamani (Retd) will be with Naveen Lakkur in a conversation circle on #Mentza to explore a Little Extra | Ep#4 – ‘Communicating effectively is extraordinary’ at 01 Nov, 08:00 PM IST Add to the conversation. #LetsGetTalking

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