Category Archives: Quotes

“Having a worthwhile idea is ordinary; Making an idea worthwhile is extraordinary.” – Naveen Lakkur People come up with ideas to solve their problems or the ones of others. Some ideas do not work as intended but some do. Every ideator wishes that their idea/s be the best. They would fantasize over it and they…

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“Having sight is ordinary; Having a vision is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Sight is one of five senses a person can be proud to have. In fact, amongst all of the sense organs, eyes are the most sensitive one. Sight is a powerful faculty of a human that gets you to see things including the shape,…

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“Being idle is ordinary; Being ideal is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Everyone works hard to earn a living. When some people go a Little Extra in contributing meaningfully, selflessly, and consistently to benefit society and inspire people around them, they become an ideal person. When someone does not continue to do what they have to…

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“Recognizing change is ordinary; Being the change is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Change is constant they say. Most people recognize the change when it happens. Some people who are audacious enough to be the change or be part of the change, are in fact eXtraOrdinary. Story 1 – Oprah’s Innovation Changes Media Most people know Oprah…

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“Seeing a situation as a problem is ordinary; Seeing a situation as an opportunity is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur While most people look at a problematic situation as a burden, some people see a situation as an opportunity and become eXtraOrdinary by working a Little Extra and building systems to overcome hurdles and also help…

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“Entanglement is ordinary; Involvement is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur When ordinary people encounter a difficult situation, they feel entangled and unable to get out of the situation. However, when they put in a Little Extra effort than others and build a platform, it launches them and others not only from their current entanglement but also…

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“Fear in the forefront is ordinary; Love in the forefront is extraordinary”. – Naveen Lakkur When the strike is from the unknown and unseen, it is quite natural for us to fear. But for some people who rise to the occasion, see it as an opportunity. eXtraOrdinary people use love as their core strength at…

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“Whiling away time is ordinary; healing the world with your time is extraordinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Ordinary people just spend their time on social media, staring at TV channels, avoid trouble, and think about their own survival. eXtraOrdinary people live and put a Little Extra effort with their time to make a difference to this world. Story 1 –…

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“Giving an example is ordinary; being an example is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur We like to drop big names like Gandhi, Tesla, Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Charlie Chaplin, Marie Curie, and others at a given situation to ‘wake people up’. Only eXtraOrdinary people take matters in their own hands and ‘step on the gas’. They work…

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