Category Archives: Articles

“It’s not just about how many times you stand up after a fall; it’s also about how quickly you stand up.” Tests and adversities are the part and parcel of our lives. What matters is what we become after we go through the tests. Will we burn away like paper? Or, will we become better…

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“If failures still motivates you to try again, then you are in the right direction” Hardship, challenges and failures are partners with the purpose, passion and persuasion in the journey of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management. Generally most people see the path of very successful people as bed of roses. They don’t get to see the…

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Family of my close friend Prakash Venkatesan use to organize ‘Satsang’ (program where people of different walks of life get together to share words of wisdom). It used to be a monthly affair. They used to bring specialists in different fields and they used to talk on a specific topic. I use to look forward…

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“Don’t become an entrepreneur, unless you know how to smile.” Sounds strange and yet do I see you smile? May be you are sarcastic, but this article will wipe out the skepticism armed with nothing but ‘smile’ as the message. Human endeavor doesn’t rest scratching the surface, but extends beyond the possible and to that…

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Welcome to Nuggets with Naveen, Today we bring you ” His Holy Sight”,  by Prof.Ravi Kumar. Currently, he’s serving as warden at the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Education Institution Hostel in Bangalore. With a doctorate in the subject of Chemistry coupled with great administrative skills, he is committed to serve the youth by sharing knowledge…

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Welcome to Nuggets with Naveen, Today we bring you ” His Holy Sight”,  by Prof.Ravi Kumar. Currently, he’s serving as warden at the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Education Institution Hostel in Bangalore. With a doctorate in the subject of Chemistry coupled with great administrative skills, he is committed to serve the youth by sharing knowledge…

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Have you invented anything? One of the best inventions that’s been very useful till date and will remain very useful for generations to come is the numeral ‘0’. It’s just a round patch with a big hole in the middle. It’s actually empty and meaningless all by itself. It will never harm if it’s prefixed…

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“Recollect, Relearn and Rejuvenate is the right road to Reform.” It’s all about rebuilding oneself. When brands re-brand, releases are revised, software shipped with numerous versions, why do we ignore our human capital? An axe has to be sharpened frequently to become more efficient, likewise the mind too should be sharpened through refocus such that…

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Why do we fear failures? because it draws flak? That people are highly opinionated and evaluate our performance only to condemn and crucify and finally culminate with character assassination. “He is a misfit”, “doesn’t know how to handle pressure”, “ill-equipped and lack the faculty in the functioning of an enterprise”, “doesn’t have it in him…

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