“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe “Self-confidence & Preparation are the two wheels of an Innovation Cart.” – Naveen Lakkur
“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe “Self-confidence & Preparation are the two wheels of an Innovation Cart.” – Naveen Lakkur
“Every time I play with someone, just interacting with them points me to a different nook or a corner in my playing that I had overlooked.” – Ustad Zakir Hussain “Masters never miss an opportunity to learn. In fact they identify what they missed and make that as source for innovation.” – Naveen Lakkur
The chosen theme for the week from the book ‘a Little Extra®️’ authored by Naveen Lakkur is : “Finding Power, Position and Prestige is ordinary; Discovering humility, service and character is eXtraOrdinary”. Join us for ‘a Little Extra®️ talk’ – a 30 minutes live audio, unscripted live conversation on the chosen theme on Monday 24th…
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney “Curiosity is the fuel for Innovation Engine.” – Naveen Lakkur
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” – Roy T. Bennett “Innovation journey begins when the energy shifts from worrying about the past to creating the future.” – Naveen Lakkur
“First, you define the work for yourself and remain committed to it. Once there is total commitment, the work in turn begins to define you” – Shyam Benegal “Define the purpose for your innovation. Then, not only the innovation becomes meaningful, your innovation journey becomes the reward.” – Naveen Lakkur
“You are the conductor of your own attitude! Nobody else can compose your thoughts for you.” – Lee J. Colan “Our thoughts shapes our thinking, it also shapes our ideas and is the source of the impact that’s created.” – Naveen Lakkur
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt “Believing is a step towards Becoming.” – Naveen Lakkur
To be successful in your endeavors… “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” – Michael Jordan “While negativity pulls you down and positivity provides you with the leap of faith, enables to fly in the Air.” – Naveen Lakkur