Amazing innovations have hit the healthcare sector, but it has its own share of complex questions that need to be addressed. I have written a whitepaper to discuss the need for conscious innovation and the opportunities that lie ahead..
Amazing innovations have hit the healthcare sector, but it has its own share of complex questions that need to be addressed. I have written a whitepaper to discuss the need for conscious innovation and the opportunities that lie ahead..
When it comes to health care service delivery, patients, consumers, and healthcare professionals are asking for improved results, i.e. better access, more convenience, faster diagnosis and treatment, greater sensitivity to cultural differences and health disparities, and so on.
Nuggets with Naveen is a show to showcase innovative people, their innovations and the impact it’s creating.
ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship “The best competition you have is YOU!” – Naveen Lakkur Most of us are dissatisfied with life because we feel that the grass always looks greener on the other side. It’s human nature.
For every business idea, there is a moment of conception and a moment of birth but in between, there is a phase of incubation.
“For entrepreneurs, saling in the right direction is as important as sailing” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are the captain of their entrepreneurial ship. They work hard every day to keep the ship sailing in the right direction. Maybe you embarked on this entrepreneurial journey thinking that you’d land easily, but…
Image Source: For smart people, coming up with an idea is quite easy. They probably have tons of ideas revolving around their head, but choosing the right one to execute can be quite a task. You need to track the magnitude of each idea in order to decide what stays and what goes because…
“Amalgation of Attitude, Agility, Amount, Action, Acceleration & Accountability constitutes Entrepreneurship” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is an amalgamation of various factors that control an entrepreneur’s journey towards success or failure – attitude, agility, amount, action, acceleration, accountability. The key to beating the competition and achieving success is mental and reflected…