All posts by Naveen Lakkur

Naveen Lakkur, Chief Innovation Coach and Founder of Institute of Inspiring Innovation is a speaker of this live webinar Swarnotsav -2 on 8th December 2020. GJS Virtual organizes the event. Topic: “GEMS FOR LEADING CHANGE” Zoom ID: 88409764144 Password: 1234

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ABOUT THE EVENT A virtual talk show to showcase eXtraOrdinary people and their Little Extras.   Based on the theme “External Engineering is Ordinary; Inner Engineering is eXtraOrdinary” from the book ‘a Little Extra’. Guest: Balu Masti is the Co-founder of HUM Consulting Services. He is a well-rounded technology professional with graduation from SJCE, Mysore…

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“Seeking happiness on the path of life is ordinary; Adding happiness on the path of life is extraordinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Most people start a project or a venture with an intention to make it big, gain wealth and seek happiness. Some people go a Little Extra and add happiness to other people’s lives through…

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“Getting expected things in life is ordinary; Missing expected things and facing unexpected things in life is extraordinary.” – Naveen Lakkur Most people do what they always do and get what they always got. They mostly get expected results in life. Some people go a Little Extra to face the unexpected to go while fighting…

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Talking about responsibility is ordinary; Being responsible is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur “With great power comes great responsibility,” said Spiderman. It may be fiction or a piece of pop culture, but it holds. Whether you choose or give responsibility, everyone takes up new responsibilities. Some people to a Little Extra and assume responsibility to build…

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How others see you is ordinary; How you see yourself is eXtraOrdinary” – Naveen Lakkur The world is run by people with the talent to create and manage. There are two kinds of talent. One born out of passion and the other born out of necessity. Talent is useless if it goes untapped or unrecognized.…

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Hariom Tyagi, Editor-in-Chief of Observer Dawn talked to our Chief Innovation Coach Naveen Lakkur. Naveen started with speaking about his role as an Innovation Coach and then went on to speak about innovation and its necessity in today world. Watch the program

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This edition is about happiness and prosperity. The featured article has twin elephants Appy and Proppy discussing happiness and prosperity. The articles from the web include ways innovation and entrepreneurship promote happiness, harvesting prosperity through agricultural technology, and prioritizing healthcare through technology. Read the magazine

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