
a Little Extra Talk with Raghu Bhardvaj

“External Engineering is ordinary; Inner Engineering is Extraordinary”.

Check out this audio recording of a live conversation from a Little Extra® channel in the Professional Growth & Leadership community.

Episode: External and Inner Engineering

Raghu Bhardvaj, an engineer from Bangalore, India ventured into inner engineering in Dallas, USA.
There are so many little extras in his life journey…the way he is able to use inner engineering for the benefit of external engineering, and the way he is able to leverage digital supply chain specialization of external engineering for boosting the divine supply chain of inner engineering is indeed extraordinary.

Listen to the conversation to experience the fusion of external & inner engineering.

The first 90 seconds is the proof of “External Engineering is ordinary; Inner Engineering is Extraordinary”. Hold on for the first 2 mins and then the conversation will hold you for the next 20mins 😇

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