
Creating a network is eXtraOrdinary

“Creating a net worth is ordinary; Creating a network is eXtraOrdinary.”– Naveen Lakkur

Creating a good net worth is very essential and people work very hard for it. If you ask people who have created significant amounts of net worth, they will attribute their success to the network they belong to or some being a little extra of building one. Remind yourself about the ancient wisdom that says “Tell me who your companions are, I will tell you who you are”.

Powerful people who have created good net worth understand the very source of creating it and they also understand we live in an interdependent and connected world. Their 3 little extras to consciously create and nurture their network are:

  1. They trust others and build trust in others
  2. They value time more than money
  3. They always think of ideas that benefits others in their network

It reminds me of a wonderful campaign that says “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Mastercard.” And I believe building a trustworthy network is one of those that money can’t buy.

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